February 1, 1999
Some New America
Author presented more standpoints about the Clinton affair. Some understood it as a moralty play, another as class combat. I found that after all this, some people will discovered a new America. Here is my letter: INTERNATIONAL HERALD TRIBUNE (Letters to The Editor), Regarding: IT'S ALL A MORALITY PLAY... in Historians ... by Ken Ringle,
IHT Jan 21, 1999  >>>

January 16, 1999
Truth and Lie in Politics
Author found that the searching for truth in Clinton affair looks like political naivity from the standpoint of French political thinking. I found that the dispute was much more caused by unclear rules of political competition. Here is my letter: INTERNATIONAL HERALD TRIBUNE (Letters To The Editor) Regarding: BEHIND THE RIDICULE, ... by John Vinocur, IHT Jan 9-10, 1999 >>>

September 18, 1998
Play of Emotions
Author proposed putting Clinton under permanent psychiatrical surveillance. I considered the proposal as expressin of emotions. Here is my letter: INTERNATIONAL HERALD TRIBUNE (Letters to the Editor) Regarding "What Now for Clinton?" in "Letters ..." by Cary Welch, New Hampshire, IHT Sept 16, 1998  >>>

September 18, 1998
What is Politics in America?
Author proposed removing Clinton from office for his behaviour in the affair. I was not ably to find any relation between the affair and the Office. Here is my letter: INTERNATIONAL HERALD TRIBUNE  (Letters to the Editor) Regarding “What Now for Clinton?” by Barbara Meskill, Hilton Head, South Carolina in “Letters...”; IHT, Sept 16, 1998.  >>>