28 October 1996
Nation is a GEN institution, economy is MET institution and politics and religion are PSY institutions. But all these institutions need some territory where the life can take place. Space is the environment for all these institutions and for individuals ....
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©Copyright 2001 Pavel Kollar

17 September 1996
What is nation? ... An institution for satisfaction of individual needs and for use up of individual abilities. It is a human group structurized on the basis of relationship, that is on the basis of GEN sub-system of human individuals ... but these GEN relations are created on the basis of PSY and MET relations before that. But considering there is no answer what was first, so the relativity relations are understood as interactions between biology and culture, giving equal value to both of them, that is, as interaction between GEN on the one hand and PSY and MET on another. Interaction is communication and in communication are important the language and the values system as cultural phenomenons. But when language and values create GEN then GEN is under the influence of language and values, but this GEN becoms also determinant of PSY and MET ... is this not some kind of perpetuum mobile or a cyrcle without start and end ... Then isn't it better to put weight on interaction instead on sub-systems? What if PSY nad MET interrupt interaction with own GEN group and start new interaction with other GEN group? This is then some social mix or some social recombination, a mix of two GEN groups, a new GEN group. But such new creations could be with troubles in existing rigid environments.
Today there are groups created on the basis of such social recombinations. The role of the space and the time was important
in this. These groups are called etnical groups. They are integrated on the basis of own GEN, but they have no right on own PSY and MET institutions, they must share this with other group which calls nation, as different from ethnicum. Despite all this the legislations of nations recognize them the same rights as to memebrs of nation although in practical life there are many problems.
Relation individual :: group ... individual is product of the group but also constituent of the group ... so it desrves to be appreciated as equal value as group.
Can groups be brought together on the basis of other criterions? Groups can mix and recombine, creating new combinations. But the problem is in legalization of these new groups, that is to be recognized by others as new group, with equal rights. But the transition of these rights from one group to another is very troublesame process for reason that the governing institutions of existing groups are very rigid and static(mostly oriented only on maintaining of existing group, what is caring only about structure, not taking in account the relations between structure and function in time and space, what is transformation). This inhibits the transformation of societies what creats manifest problems sush as wars. Wars are today the way how the transformational problems are solved. Wars are considered as undemocratic means of problem solution but they still happen. This is because the governments of existing groups are very conservative, what slows down the resource flows, there are too much built in inhibitors and monopolies, and the constraints for changes are coming also from learning abilities how of individuals, so groups and their governors. The system has some built in tempo of changes characteristic for all alive systems as different from non alive sytems ... evolution, revolution, explosion .... Theoretically, groups can be created also on the basis of some another criterions, different from relationships in classical sense(the old relationships were created on the basis of space and time) for ex. on the basis of PSY features or way of thinking, instead of space and time. But the problem is how to locate this group in space so that interactions can take place. To some degree individuals can be scattered in space but this is limited in reality. Statistically the group can be very scattered in space but interactions require some degree of concentration, given the velocity of movement of individuals in the space.
The present problems with nation and ethnicum are coming from the obsolete organization of groups. The governments of these groups are busy with keeping existing structures and making them functionable but do not care too much about transformation. Governing of transformation requires different organization. They disregard changes in government's environment, these are the qualities coming from the structure and function of individuals, the equilibriums and stabilities of individuals.
The problem with the ethnicum is that the value is related(connected) to territorial government, not to individuals, that the legality is organized on ths on the basis of territory, not on the basis of individuals, what makes value immobile.
The problem is in the authoritarian organization of territorial groups.
One cannot stop migration of individuals from one group to another. What one can do is to make possible to migrants to take with them all values which belong to them, that is to make all values mobile but this will require transformation of physical values into money.
The existing institutional system makes people enemies to each other.
Value nr. 1 today is a piece of land for one governor. How many people are to be killed when a piece of land changes owner, that is governor?
The war as land market ... cause of a war .. a piece of land ...
War is not a democratic deal for more reasons:
- is decided by leader usually without agreement of followers ..
- as way of decision making is neither majority voting nor compromis or consensus or separation ..
- it is not dialog between thouths ... these are subordinated to tools..
What is the value of contracts when based on unhonest considerations of politicians and without participation of those who will live under them ...
Today architects are planning cities ... why not UN to plan the world ... UN as planer of world ...
Creativity of politicians is much greater in destruction than in construction ...
People or politicians must learn that with war and legal criminal they cannot be rich ... Serbia is the best example ...
Democracy cannot be built on undemocratic basement ...
Today every day is some war ...
Where is the source of wrong in present society ... in long-run decision making(concerning land ...) or in short run decisions ....(living standard...)?
Nationality is heredeted from parents, one cannot choose it .... loyalty to power holder one can choose ....
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©Copyright 2001 Pavel Kollar

26 July 1996
Nation creation in Europe ... mixing terms ... nation ... and territory ... the wars were ever for territories .... the nation was only explanation .... nation has roots in family and was intended to be institution for satisfying needs of individual memebers of family and for using the the working abilities of these members. Later, the motives of family leaders changed from caring about own family to acquiring territories and wealth of other nations .... wars ... mostly unjustified .... How came to mixing families resp. nations on one territory ... sometimes natural catastrophes were the cause another time pure competition ... The idea of family as nation is good start even today in condition of hibrid market-authority relations and also in pure market relations ... with a great mobility and mixing of people .... but requires many negotiations with others ....The present pure territorial state structure has disadvantages .... discrimanation on national basis .... unequal access to institutions for all ... lossing identity .... the rooth identity ... the acquired identities cannot replace this ... language and value problems .....misuse of institutions ....
The cause of the wars ... ego interests of governors ....
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©Copyright 2001 Pavel Kollar

1995 - July 26 1996
The sources of war are in the existing concept of state. Authoritarian hierarchy and governors have power over the individuals to organize them into armies. Approach to governing is from the standpoint of the whole: leader and the collective. Leaders prefere compact territory, equally with what kind of people on it, all nation is good if this contribute to power of the leader, otherwise is not good. This is the easiest way of governing. It does not require too much cooperation between different governors. The result is: individual rights sacrified for the comfortability of governing. If one wants to remove the cause of the war one must remove the existing concept of state. New concept based on idea of cooperation between equal individuals(instead of one leader over many). State to be an information source and information switch station. Today governors are making decisions in the name of citizens. Future is when every citizen in the role of decision maker about the main issues of his/her life. Government will only deliver information to citizens for this.
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©Copyright 2001 Pavel Kollar