23 October 1998      The Value of Individual Life

Dictators prefere robust citizens .... because only such can be unsensitive on problems ...easier for governors ....
Expectations are given by the structure ...? Is human consciuos of own structure ... In description of unknown environment one can give it only the form of that structure which is known to the describer ....The religion used terms such as God, Soul, for outer and internal resp. ...
The life is an increment to structure ... addition to structure ... ?
Differences between individuals:
- structure: basic parts and relations are the same ... what can be different is the type of integrity but this depends on complexity on lower level ... so, on the structural level the differences cannot be great .... different proportions of chemical elements ....
- function: under the supposition that the environment is the same .... differences could arise in reactions on stimulies from environment .... this can come from structural differences on lower level .... but in practice environment can differ from individual to individual ....
- transformation: when there is dependence between structure and function than ... given other conditions ... also the speed and direction of transformation can differ ...
Tactics of interactions: take from environment how much you need(considering rational needs) and give only what is neccessary ....
Why animosity in interactions ... these reactions were built to fight another dangers ... they are used now when communication mislucks ....
The value of the individual:
- the costs of the production of the individual life incurred by individual self or by his/her parents
- the selling price of abilities on the market ... what depends on market situation ....
Marx dropped the second element of pricing completely, letting the base of value creation only the first(although he later introduced some corrections ... by society needed or recognized value ... expressed in time units ....)
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